The past year has been abuzz with news from Oceantied, who has been steadily making a mark for himself both
internationally as well as in India. From performing at the first Boiler Room session in India to playing at two of the biggest European festivals, Outlook and Dimensions festivals, the solo electronic project started
by Ketan Bahirat, Oceantied is a deep-dive into the artist’s sprawling soundscape.
Early in September Oceantied released a new EP on Knowmad Records (Mumbai) with two tracks; Paradise (featuring the siren like voice of Alexandria) and Closets (featuring the powerful pipes of Benki).
“Paradise/Closets encapsulates the feeling of Bangalore winter creeping in, filled with textures and melodies that add a theatrical touch to both tracks in the EP, this release has an edge-of-your-seat vibe, with powerful vocals from Alexandria in Paradise, and a dreamy semi-fictional narrative by Benkii in Closets.” – Oceantied
If you enjoyed this as much as us, please follow Oceantied on Soundcloud! CLICK HERE
Artwork by : Sachin Bhatt & Sanjana Bhatt